Signs of a sick tree
  • Fri, Jul 2020
  • |
  • Pulla Tree Service

Do you know what the common signs of a sick tree are? If you don’t, then it’s vital that you keep reading this blog. A sick or diseased tree can be a danger to you, your family, and your surroundings. For that reason, we bring you these signs to know if a tree is sick.

Having a healthy tree brings a lot of benefits. It provides shade and oxygen to your yard. Also, it increases your landscape’s beauty. But, if it doesn’t get proper tree care, then it could get sick.

To avoid this, first, you should always take good care of your trees. Second, you must beware of the common tree diseases and check if your tree is showing signs of decay or sickness. So, continue reading so that you know when your tree is doing well.

What Are Common Signs of a Sick Tree?

Common signs that mean your tree is sick

As we mentioned above, you can avoid your tree from getting sick by taking good care of it. But, sometimes things get out of our hands, and we can’t do anything to stop a tree from getting damaged. In this case, you should know when to remove a tree.

However, when we notice any warning signs of disease, we can still save a tree. For that reason, you should read these symptons and be on the lookout. Some signs are more obvious than others. So, make sure to pay close attention to the condition of your trees.

The common signs of a sick tree are:

  • Discolored or wilted leaves
  • Dead branches
  • Cracks in the branches or limbs
  • Cracks in the trunk of the tree
  • Sawdust in the trunk
  • Fungi at the base of the tree
  • Small branches growing from the base

Discolored Leaves Are Signs of a Sick Tree

Discolored leaves are signs of a sick tree

Have you noticed that your leaves are discolored or wilted? Then that is a warning sign that there’s something wrong with your tree. There are several factors that can cause this, but the main one is insects and diseases. If you see this, then it is probable that your entire tree is infected.

One of the major reasons for discolored leaves is Armillaria Root Rot, which we will discuss later. But, basically, this type of fungi attacks the roots and then makes its way to the trunk, branches, and leaves. As a result, you get slow tree growth and finally, a diseased tree.

Some other signs to look out for in the leaves are:

  • Jagged edges
  • Fallen leaves
  • Torn leaves
  • Spots and blemishes on the leaves

Dead Branches May Be a Sign of Disease

Dead tree branches

Dead branches are something you should always be on the lookout for. You can prevent them from falling on someone or something in your yard. But, besides this, dead branches are signs of decay. So, you should contact a professional as soon as you notice several dead branches in your tree.

When you notice dead branches, it means that your tree’s roots and trunk have a serious problem. One way to tell that your limbs are dead is the lack of leaves when it is supposed to be full of them.

Another factor to beware of regarding branches is to notice if they have cracks in them. These may result from heavy winds, storm damage, or frost crack. Even though this doesn’t mean that your tree is diseased, it means it’s time for you to cut, trim, or prune the parts where you notice the cracks.

If you don’t do this, then the probability of your tree getting a disease is higher. This is because insects can enter through those cracks and cause an infection to your tree. So, make sure to inspect your tree’s branches and limbs and act quickly as soon as you notice something wrong.

Cracks in the Trunk of the Tree

Cracks in the tree trunk

If there was a storm recently, then it’s crucial that you go and check your tree. This is because it is the most common reason for cracks in the trunk. Ice can also cause cracks. This is a case where you can’t prevent a tree from getting sick since it was a storm that cracked it.

When you notice cracks in the trunk, make sure to look out for fungi. If you see some fungi growing, then that is one reason why your trunk has cracks. This is because the tree is probably rotting from the inside.

As we mentioned before, if you notice cracks, you can try to save your tree by cutting down those areas. But, sometimes the damage is too deep. That’s when you need to hire a professional arborist to take a look at your tree.

Sawdust Means Your Tree Is Sick

Sawdust near tree

One of the worst signs of a sick tree is sawdust. Sawdust means that your tree has been attacked by Carpenter Ants. They leave piles of sawdust in the base of the tree or the root zone. As soon as you notice this, you can be sure that your tree is sick.

These ants create holes in the bark of the tree to make nests. As a result, you get the piles of sawdust. If you don’t do anything about this, then your tree will become weak and die.

Fungi Growing at the Base of the Tree

Fungi growing at the base of the tree

Don’t let your tree get weakened and look out for fungal diseases. One of the most common fungi is the Armillaria Root Rot. This starts appearing at the base of the tree and can cause severe damage.

As soon as you notice this, you should call a professional to handle the situation. The best solution, in this case, is to remove the infected tree as the fungi can spread to other trees through the root system.

Small Branches Growing from the Base

Small branches growing from the base

Finally, a not-so evident sign of your tree being sick can be found in the root area. Roots are the least vulnerable parts of a tree because they are underground. But, that doesn’t mean that they can’t get affected. For that reason, you should always pay attention to the root area of your tree.

If you notice some small branches growing from the base, then it means that your tree is stressed. This can result from your tree suffering from some construction work done in your yard. As a result, the roots may have been damaged. To avoid this, try to keep the soil around your trees compacted when doing some construction work.

Now that you know what to look for, make sure that you keep your trees healthy. Give them proper care and trust a professional as soon as you notice something wrong.