how to stop tree roots from sprouting
  • Thu, Nov 2021
  • |
  • Pulla Tree Service

Sometimes, extra-large roots come out of the ground because they don’t have enough space in the yard or garden. Sprouting allows those roots to germinate and flower on the surface. If you are thinking about how to stop tree roots from sprouting, here are some steps to follow.

If trees have enough space and are healthy, they shouldn’t sprout their roots. This situation can bring consequences for your garden or yard, especially if you have an organized aesthetic land. Usually, big roots can break concrete and bricks around trees.

As you may know, some weeds take advantage, and they grow over the roots. Don’t worry, and keep reading to learn some vital steps to avoid this issue that can affect your land ground level.

What Are the Reasons for Tree Roots Sprouting?

As mentioned above, some roots grow incredibly close to the soil surface, so they go outside when there is not enough space to grow. Besides, if there is not a functional drainage system, roots begin to develop over the ground.

One of the common reasons for tree sprouting is the excess of nutrients and water, so roots will often spread as far as the longest branches. Also, some “invasive roots” exist that grow more than normal ones, reaching even more long diameters.

How to Stop Tree Roots from Sprouting: Steps to Follow

steps to stop tree roots from sprouting

If you would like to know how to stop tree roots from sprouting, here are some methods you can follow to avoid time-consuming processes:

  • Remove sucker growth and undesirable weed
  • Check the tree stability
  • Prune the extra and invasive roots
  • Use some natural herbicides

Remove Sucker Growth and Undesirable Weed

Tree suckers are those little extra branches that grow close to the trunk and roots. When you don’t prune them, little suckers make your tree look like a shrub. It is crucial to be aware that they can be toxic for your tree’s health, so it is necessary to cut them.

When roots start to sprout on the ground, suckers begin to grow in the outside roots system. The name “sucker” is given because it absorbs all the nutrients from the roots. Before pruning sprouting roots, it’s crucial to get rid of suckers and undesirable weeds.

More importantly, suckers growing can cover the invasive roots making you not see sprouting roots.

Check the Tree Stability

After removing suckers and overgrowth weeds, it’s the moment to check the sprouting roots and analyze the tree’s stability. When the tree is sick or old, you should not remove some central roots because the tree will lose strength and feel down.

If you count with a healthy and robust tree, removing the sprouting roots won’t affect the stability. Older trees might become unstable over the years, so you must be careful.

Prune the Extra and Invasive Roots

Now, it’s time to start pruning the extra-large roots (invasive roots) and remove them one by one. You can do it by hand pruning, but remember that this step is time-consuming. Also, you must take into account that an inadequate cut could damage the tree.

In cases where there is concrete lifting due to the extensive root growth, it is highly recommended to work with professionals to check under the concrete.

If you often prune roots, you won’t suffer from invasive roots. But over-pruning is dangerous too.

Use Some Natural Herbicides

Using herbicides can not be great because you have just cut the roots, which can harm the tree. Chemical control is not always the first solution, but when it comes to natural products, you can opt for applying herbicides.

Rock salt is one of the best natural herbicides if you are thinking about stopping tree roots from sprouting naturally because it will help you dehydrate them, making roots easy to cut. Be sure to check the roots constantly to avoid damages.

Get Assisted by Professionals

When it comes to tree care, Pulla Tree Service, LLC. is the best. If you want to get fast solutions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to help you out!