How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants in Trees
  • Mon, May 2021
  • |
  • Pulla Tree Service

Carpenter ants are a homeowner’s worst nightmare. That’s why today we’ll show you some methods on how to get rid of carpenter ants in trees. As a result, your trees will remain healthy for a long time!

5 Steps on How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants in Trees

Carpenter ants are perhaps the most widely recognized insect species. Although they might seem harmless, these big black ants often pose a significant threat to your trees, just like the good-old spotted lanternflies.

Unfortunately, getting rid of these ants can be difficult if they have completely taken over your trees.

For this reason, the best thing you can do is to dispose of them by locating and eradicating their homes when dealing with this type of scenario. By doing so, you avoid them getting onto your home’s window frames, shingles, and even its framing!

Follow these steps on how to get rid of carpenter ants in trees:

  • Locate the carpenter ant’s nesting.
  • Use the proper insecticide, whether it’s liquid or dust.
  • Spray peppermint or cedar oil all over your trees.
  • Make a DIY boric acid ant bait.
  • Be sure to monitor your trees’ condition.

Moreover, be sure to do these steps during the spring and summer since carpenter ants hibernate during the winter. Thus, it makes it more challenging to find their nests.

Locate the Carpenter Ant’s Nesting

How to Locate a Carpenter Ant's Nesting

The first step is to find the carpenter ant colony successfully. Since they are a wood-nesting species, these ants tend to establish their colonies at the base of the tree.

Some signs that you’re dealing with a carpenter ant infestation include piles of sawdust and multiple visible holes from its bark.

Additionally, keep in mind that these ants eat the wood of dying trees, thus building their nests. In other words, if it has multiple sick tree symptoms, then it’s very likely that the ants are feeding off its decaying wood.

That’s why you must stay on top of the different factors that might harm your trees, either from other pests or environmental conditions.

Use the Proper Insecticide, Whether It’s Liquid or Powder

Insecticide for Ants on Trees

Once you know the satellite colony’s location, it’s time for you to choose the correct insecticide to kill the ants.  Insecticides come in two different presentations: liquid and powder.

When using powder insecticide, be sure to spread it evenly around the colony’s entrances. You’ll want to reapply the dust whenever it rains, as it washes off the pesticide.

On the other hand, if you’re using liquid insecticide, be sure to completely soak your tree’s trunk. Repeat this step in case you find infestations on other trees as well.

Spray Peppermint or Cedar Oil All Over Your Trees

Peppermint and Cedar Oil for Carpenter Ants

Along with insecticide, you can also opt for essential oils, such as peppermint and cedar. Believe it or not, both of these oil scents tend to repel ants.

When using peppermint oil, you’ll want to first make a solution by mixing 1 gallon of water with 30 drops of this essential oil. However, when using cedar oil, you’ll want to thoroughly spray it around the tree.

Make a DIY Boric Acid Ant Bait

In case you want to stay away from using oils, you can also make a boric acid bait for the ants! All you need to do is combine 1% boric acid with 10% sugar water. You can also use any type of sweet that might lure them.

With time, you’ll notice how the ants will slowly die out.

Be Sure to Monitor Your Trees’ Condition

Sick Tree with Ants

Lastly, always stay on top of your trees’ health every step of this process. As we mentioned beforehand, carpenter ants tend to appear when there’s rotten wood available for them to eat.

So, if your tree attracts this type of ants, then it’s very likely that it’s already dying out. Be sure to provide your trees with the tree care they need, such as proper mulching and pruning them at the right time of year.

However, if it’s beyond salvation, you should consider taking your tree down to avoid problems in the future.

Now that you know the main steps on how to get rid of carpenter ants in trees, you should now implement them immediately. Remember to count on Pulla Tree Service if you ever need professional assistance. We are always here to aid you out!